How to Apply for Canada Visa Lottery 2022/2023

How to Apply for Canada Visa Lottery 2022/2023

Recently, I’ve come across lot of questions relating to Canada Visa lottery, how I can apply for Canada visa lottery, Canada immigration lottery and lot’s more. However, most individuals have fallen for top scams promising to offer them Canada visa lottery.

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What is Visa Lottery?

The visa lottery program stated in United States and is established by the Immigration Act of 1990 in an attempt to bring individuals to the U.S. from countries that had been sending few immigrants to the United States in the past.

It’s also recorded that on yearly basis; approximately 50,000 foreign individuals are being awarded visas based on luck to permanently live in United States under the visa lottery program.

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Can I Apply for Canada Visa Lottery?

At the moment, there’s no online platform that provides you with Canada visa lottery 2020/2021 application form. According to the official Canada visa website, there’s a disclaimer stating that Canada does not have a portal for the Canadian immigration lottery. If they open a portal, we would keep you guys posted.

How to easily migrate to Canada?

Outside searching for Canada Immigration lottery programs, there are other ways to immigrate to Canada and become either a temporary or permanent citizen of Canada. As known, Canada welcomes over 300,000 foreigners visitors to their country. Immigrants who have job offers from Canadian companies can easily become permanent residence in Canada.

There are different ways you can get a Canadian visa, I already explained the 5 easiest ways to obtain Canadian visa. Also, if you’ve a job opportunity or you want to work in Canada, I advise you go through this content on how to get a Canada work visa. Also, those of you that wish to study in Canada can also read on how to get a Canadian study visa.

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Canada Immigration Visa Programs

There are categories of Canada immigration visa programs that you can apply for. The programs to apply for depend on the reason you want to migrate to Canada. However, I already published an essential guide explaining Canada immigration visa programs.

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