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How to apply to UFV as an international student

Choose your UFV program, and then follow these steps carefully.

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Things to know before you begin

Plan ahead

  • Programs fill up quickly, so apply as soon as possible after we open the application process.
  • Processes such as getting a study permit can take several weeks.
  • We do not guarantee admission, even if your application meets all academic and non-academic requirements.

Submitting your transcripts

Before you can be accepted to your program, you must submit your transcripts twice.

  • First, you upload scans of your transcripts as part of your online application.
  • Then, if UFV sends you an offer of admission, you need to arrange for official transcripts to be sent on your behalf.


You have to reapply and pay the non-refundable application fee a second time if:

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  • You did not complete your application before the semester starts or the application window of your program closes.
  • You want to change your program or first semester of study after completing your application.

If you are a previous UFV student but have not studied at UFV for three or more consecutive semesters, you have to:

  • Pay the non-refundable application fee again.
  • Identify yourself in your application as a returning student and include your UFV Student ID number. The format of your Student ID number is 300XXXXXX.

Step 1: Create your online application account

Use our International Application Portal to apply online.

When you are ready to set up your International Application Portal account, have the following information available:

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  • Your passport: Enter your name and birthdate exactly as it appears in your passport. If you do not have a last name, leave the last name field blank. UFV automatically assigns a dot (.) to those applicants who do not have a legal last name in their passport.
  • Agency information: If an agent in your country is helping you apply, enter their Agency ID number, or ask your agent to apply on your behalf.
  • Language information: Enter your English language score.
  • Education information: List your high school and all colleges or universities you have attended.

You do not need to complete the entire application in one session. You can start filling in your information, and then save each page and continue later if you need to.

Start your online application in the Application Portal

Step 2: Collect your documents

There are different sets of documents for high school applicants and post-secondary applicants. You also need to provide:

  • Your high school transcripts.
  • Your official English language score (TOEFL, IELTS, LPI, DET).
    To have your TOEFL iBT score sent to UFV automatically, use code 9736 when you take the test.
  • Your passport.

Note: UFV considers the transcripts you upload during your application process as “unofficial.” We will ask you to submit official transcripts if we offer you admission to your program.

See international entrance requirements

Additional documents required from high school applicants

  • If you are still in high school, you must provide a copy of your interim high school transcripts.
  • If you have graduated from high school, you must show proof of graduation.
  • If you are studying in a high school outside of Canada, you must provide the following before classes begin:
    • Your final high school transcript
    • Proof of graduation
  • If you are currently studying in a B.C. high school or an offshore B.C. high school, provide your Personal Education Number (PEN) in your application. If you provide permission to release your grades to UFV through the Ministry of Education website, UFV can use your PEN to download your transcripts.
  • UFV must receive your final high school transcripts and proof of graduation before August 3.

Students from India

  • India interim high school applicants must submit a copy of your Grade 11 transcript.
  • India CBSE high school graduates must upload a copy of your Admit or Examination card.

Additional documents required from post-secondary applicants

You must submit transcript(s) from all the post-secondary institutions you have attended. Note that we may:

  • Evaluate your previous post-secondary credits and transcripts.
  • Charge a fee for the evaluation.

If you completed a degree

  1. We will review your application under the Subsequent and Concurrent Bachelor Degree Policy.
  2. You must complete the Subsequent Degree Declaration Form during the application process when selecting your program of study. If you applied to UFV without completing the form, complete it immediately and send it to

Step 3: Upload your documents

Upload scans of all documents from step 2 to your online application account. Your application is complete when we have received:

  • All the documents listed in step 2
  • Your non-refundable application fee (see step 4)

Note: If you need to add documents after you submitted your application, send them as PDF attachments to We only accept attachments in PDF format. We will notify Admissions and manually add them to your application.

Upload your documents now

Step 4: Pay your application fee

Use a credit card to pay your non-refundable application fee. The fee is:

  • CAD $150 for all undergraduate and post-baccalaureate programs.
  • CAD $250 for all graduate certificates and diplomas, and master’s degree programs.

Pay your application fee

Step 5: Check the status of your application once a week

Use the Applicant Portal  to monitor the status of your application. This is a separate portal from the International Application Portal you used in step 1.

You can log in to the Applicant Portal using your student ID and the PIN you created during your application.

Note: We give priority to completed applications for the semester that starts the soonest. If your application is for a later semester, we may take longer to process it.

Check application status

Step 6: Watch your email for your offer of admission or preliminary letter of acceptance

If your application is approved, we will send you an offer of admission by email. The offer includes a detailed breakdown of your tuition and other fees.

If we require additional documents before we can make an offer of admission, we will send a preliminary letter of acceptance. You must submit the additional documents before we will send an offer of admission.

Step 7: Send us your official documents and pay your fees

If you want to accept the offer, we must receive the following from you within eight weeks:

  • Your official, printed transcripts
  • The full tuition and fee deposit outlined in your offer

We cannot send you an official letter of acceptance until we receive all your documents.

Send your official transcripts

Request your official transcripts as soon as possible after you receive our offer. We must receive them no later than eight weeks from the date of the email with our offer of admission. When we receive your documents, it can take an additional eight weeks to process them and apply any transfer credits.

Upper secondary/high school

  • If you are still in school, send official interim high school transcripts.
  • If you have graduated, send official transcripts and proof of your graduation.
  • Your certificates must be official or original.
    • Photocopies are acceptable if they are certified by your school principal, head, or registrar.
    • Notarized copies are not acceptable.


It can take up to eight weeks after we receive your official documents to process transfer credits. Send your post-secondary transcript(s) early to allow us to apply your transfer credits in time to plan your course of study for your first semester.

Your official post-secondary transcripts must meet the following criteria:

  • They must be sent on your behalf by one of the following:
    • The educational institution
    • Your region’s ministry of education
    • Another official authorizing body
  • They must have the institution’s official seal or authorizing signature.
  • They may be sent in hard copy or as PDFs to
  • When sent by mail, they must arrive in a sealed official envelope from the originating institution or authorizing body and with the institution’s or authorizing body’s name and address imprinted on it.
  • They must be sent directly to UFV Admissions. We may make an exception if it is not possible to send a transcript directly to us if our credential evaluation office can confirm each document’s authenticity.
  • If your documents are in a language other than English, we require a certified translation. It may be possible to offer exceptions to French-language documents.

Note: Documents submitted become the property of UFV. The only documents that UFV returns to you are printed versions that we consider irreplaceable. You must make a request to have your documents returned.

Confirm where to send your official documents

Pay your tuition and fees in full

Your tuition and fees deposit must be paid in full as soon as possible. We must receive your payment within eight weeks of the date of your offer of admission.

Your fees include:

  • Tuition
  • Administration fees for processing new international applicants
  • Other fees to cover the cost of providing student services and activities
  • Medical insurance, which is mandatory for all people in Canada, including international students

Note: Some programs may have additional fees that will be requested later.

Learn more about tuition and fees

Step 8: Watch for your official Letter of Acceptance and myUFV login

When we receive your fees and final documents, we will formally admit you to the program. At this point, UFV Admissions sends you an email with:

  • Your official letter of acceptance (LOA).
  • Instructions for logging in to your myUFV account.

Note: When you log in to myUFV, you can view and print your receipt.


myUFV is a portal where you can access UFV student web services such as:

  • Registration
  • Course grades
  • Student email
  • Blackboard
  • Campus announcements
  • Your class schedule

Log in to myUFV as soon as possible after you receive your Letter of Acceptance. Use it regularly to see your UFV emails and get important information and updates from UFV.

Log in to myUFV

Step 9: Apply for your study permit and travel visa

To begin the application for your Canadian study permit, you need both of the following:

  • Your official letter of acceptance from UFV
  • The receipt from your fees and tuition deposit

Processing may take up to 13 weeks.

To apply for your study permit and travel visa, you can:

  • Apply online (recommended)
  • Apply in person
  • Use the Student Direct Stream (SDS) for faster processing (specific countries only)

Learn more about study permits and travel visas

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