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ABCActionNews.com recently revealed that the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Tampa Bay (SPCA Tampa Bay) has partnered with an unscrupulous puppy mill broker in Missouri and a pet shop in Florida to promote the breeding and sale of puppy mill farming victims. SPCA Tampa Bay’s CEO and board of directors need to hear from you today in protest of this corrupt collaboration.
In the report, the CEO, Martha Boden, made ludicrous statements and assertions that endanger animals and set animal welfare efforts back decades, including that puppy mills and their greedy brokers have a lot “in common” with animal shelters—facilities tasked with rescuing animals who are abused and abandoned because of an overpopulation crisis that’s fueled by the breeding industry. According to the report, the broker, Pinnacle Pets, uses more than 200 breeding operations to supply stores across the country with puppy mill victims.
Boden also made the outlandish statement that dogs who have been bred repeatedly—often to near death, if they survive at all—have “raised their families, now they want to go into a home, we are putting those animals up for adoption.” SPCA Tampa Bay needs a wake-up call: Dogs in puppy mills aren’t “raising families”—they’re subjected to constant deprivation and confinement and force-bred repeatedly, only to have their babies torn away from them, often before they’re even weaned. Mother dogs are typically impregnated again as soon as they physically can be and endure this agonizing cycle again and again. Unbelievably, Boden suggests that SPCA Tampa Bay donors and animal advocates want animal shelters to work to improve the reputation of the cruel breeding industry. Please, let her know how wrong she is.
SPCA Tampa Bay is also partnering with a pet shop doing business as Sunshine Puppies in Largo, Florida, to evidently spend donor funds on providing veterinary care to mass-bred puppies who are sold for profit by the greedy shop.
Use the form below to e-mail SPCA Tampa Bay’s CEO and board members today to demand an end to this corrupt collaboration. Let them know that there’s no such thing as a “responsible” breeder, because for every puppy or kitten who is produced by any breeder, an animal awaiting adoption at an animal shelter loses his or her chance at finding a home—and will have to be euthanized. Breeders kill sheltered animals’ chance at having a life.
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