20 Fun & Fascinating Facts About Shar Pei Puppies


Shar Peis, with their unique appearance and deep-rooted Chinese heritage, have long been a symbol of allure and fascination among dog enthusiasts. Their wrinkled skin and “hippopotamus” face set them apart, making them a truly distinctive breed. Delve with us into the world of Shar Pei puppies as we unveil 20 intriguing facts about these ancient and charming canines.

1. The name “Shar Pei” means “sand skin” in Chinese.

Derived from the Cantonese language, the term “Shar Pei” aptly describes the dog’s rough, sandpaper-like coat. This unique texture was initially a defensive mechanism against wild predators, making it challenging for them to grasp the dog’s loose skin during a confrontation.

2. Shar Peis have a rich history dating back to ancient China.

Historical artifacts and ancient statues suggest that Shar Peis have been around since the Han Dynasty (around 200 B.C.). They were revered by Chinese royals and nobles but also served practical roles as hunting and guard dogs in rural communities.

3. The breed was once considered the world’s rarest.

In the 1970s, the Shar Pei was on the brink of extinction. Matgo Law, a passionate breeder from Hong Kong, made a global plea to save the breed, leading to an influx of interest and efforts to revive the Shar Pei population.

4. Their iconic wrinkles have a purpose.

While the wrinkles are undeniably cute on puppies, they initially served a functional purpose. The loose, saggy skin made it harder for predators to get a firm grip on the dog, allowing the Shar Pei to defend itself more effectively.

5. Shar Peis boast a blue-black tongue.

One of the distinctive features of the Shar Pei is its blue-black tongue, a trait it shares with only one other breed, the Chow Chow. The exact reason for this unique coloration remains a mystery, but it adds to the breed’s charm.

6. They come in three different coat types.

Not all Shar Peis have the same coat texture. The breed can boast a horse coat (very rough), brush coat (slightly longer and less harsh), or a rare bear coat (which is soft and fluffy). The horse and brush coats are the most common among Shar Peis.

7. Shar Peis are known for their independent nature.

While they can be affectionate with their families, Shar Peis are also known for their independence and aloofness. Early socialization is essential to ensure they grow up to be well-rounded and sociable adults.

8. They have a strong guarding instinct.

Historically used as guard dogs, Shar Peis are naturally protective and can be wary of strangers. This instinct makes them excellent watchdogs, but it also means they need consistent training and boundaries.

9. The breed can be prone to certain health issues.

Shar Peis are susceptible to specific health problems, including skin infections in their wrinkles and a condition called “entropion,” where the eyelid rolls inward. Regular vet check-ups and proper care are crucial for this breed.

10. Shar Peis are not excessive barkers.

Though they are vigilant, Shar Peis aren’t known to bark without reason. They’ll typically alert their owners to strangers or potential threats but aren’t yappy by nature.

11. They are surprisingly agile.

Despite their stout appearance, Shar Peis are agile and playful. They enjoy playtime and can be quite active, especially during their puppy years.

12. Their loyalty is unparalleled.

Shar Peis are incredibly devoted to their families. Once they form a bond, it’s for life, and they’ll go to great lengths to protect and be with their loved ones.

13. The breed has a calm demeanor.

While they can be playful, Shar Peis are generally calm and collected. They enjoy relaxed environments and make excellent companions for quieter households.

14. Their grooming needs are moderate.

Despite their numerous folds, Shar Peis have relatively easy grooming needs. Regular cleaning of their wrinkles is essential to prevent infections, but they don’t require frequent baths.

15. They have a strong prey drive.

Shar Peis were historically used for hunting, and some of that instinct remains. It’s not uncommon for them to chase after smaller animals, so a secure yard is a must.

16. Early training is crucial.

Given their independent and protective nature, early training is essential. Positive reinforcement methods work best to ensure a well-behaved and social Shar Pei.

17. They can be reserved around other dogs.

Without proper socialization, Shar Peis can be wary or even aggressive toward other dogs. Early exposure to other canines can help mitigate this behavior.

18. The breed has a rich cultural significance.

In Chinese culture, the Shar Pei has long been considered a symbol of loyalty and courage. They’ve been featured in various artworks and stories throughout history.

19. They are adaptable to various living situations.

While they appreciate space to roam, Shar Peis can adapt to apartment living as long as they receive regular exercise and mental stimulation.

20. Their popularity continues to grow.

After their near-extinction in the 1970s, the Shar Pei has seen a resurgence in popularity, not just in its native China but globally. Their unique appearance, coupled with their loyalty, makes them a favorite among many dog enthusiasts.


In wrapping up, the Shar Pei is a breed steeped in history, mystery, and undeniable charm. From their ancient Chinese roots to their distinctive wrinkled appearance, these dogs offer a blend of beauty and resilience that’s hard to resist. Whether you’re a potential owner or a curious admirer, there’s no denying the appeal of the Shar Pei.


Frequently Asked Questions About Shar Pei Puppies

1. What is the origin of the Shar Pei breed?

The Shar Pei originates from China, and its history can be traced back to ancient times. Artifacts and statues from centuries ago depict dogs with a wrinkled appearance similar to the Shar Pei, indicating their longstanding presence in Chinese culture. They were initially used for various tasks, including hunting, herding, and guarding.

2. Why do Shar Peis have so many wrinkles?

Shar Peis are naturally born with numerous wrinkles, which historically served a purpose. The loose, wrinkled skin was an advantage in dog fights, allowing the Shar Pei to twist and retaliate even when bitten by an opponent. Over time, selective breeding has amplified these wrinkles, especially in show dogs.

3. How often should I groom my Shar Pei puppy?

Despite their short coat, Shar Peis require consistent grooming due to their wrinkled skin. It’s essential to clean between the folds of their skin regularly to prevent bacterial growth and potential skin infections. A weekly cleaning, coupled with regular baths and ear checks, will keep your Shar Pei in top condition.

4. Are Shar Peis good with children and other pets?

Shar Peis are loyal and often protective of their families, which includes children. However, they can be aloof or wary of strangers and unfamiliar animals. Early socialization is crucial to ensure they are well-adjusted and comfortable around kids and other pets.

5. What is “Shar Pei Fever”?

“Shar Pei Fever” or Familial Mediterranean Fever is a hereditary condition that affects some Shar Peis. Symptoms include recurring fever and swelling of the hock joint. If not treated or managed, it can lead to severe complications, including kidney failure. Regular vet check-ups are essential to detect and address this condition early.

6. How active are Shar Pei puppies?

Shar Peis have a moderate activity level. They enjoy regular walks, play sessions, and mental stimulation. However, they are not as hyperactive as some other breeds and can be content with lounging around the home after their exercise needs are met.

7. Is it challenging to train a Shar Pei?

Shar Peis have an independent nature, which can sometimes make training a challenge. However, with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, they can be effectively trained. Early socialization and enrollment in puppy training classes can be beneficial.

8. What should I feed my Shar Pei puppy?

It’s essential to feed your Shar Pei puppy a balanced and nutritionally complete diet. Due to their unique skin and potential for allergies, many owners opt for hypoallergenic or breed-specific foods. Always consult with your veterinarian to determine the best diet for your individual puppy.

9. How long is the average lifespan of a Shar Pei?

The average lifespan of a Shar Pei ranges from 8 to 12 years. Like all breeds, their lifespan can be influenced by genetics, diet, environment, and overall health care. Regular vet visits and a healthy lifestyle can help ensure your Shar Pei lives a long and happy life.

10. Do Shar Peis make good apartment dogs?

Yes, Shar Peis can adapt well to apartment living. They are not excessively active indoors and are often content with moderate exercise. As long as they receive regular walks and mental stimulation, they can thrive in an apartment setting.


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