Are Old English Sheepdogs Aggressive?


The Old English Sheepdog (OES) is a breed with a rich history as a herding dog, designed to protect and move flocks in the English countryside. Their lineage and historical duties provide some insight into their behavior. But is aggression a trait associated with them?

Natural Instincts of Old English Sheepdogs

Every dog breed has inherited behaviors, and for Old English Sheepdogs, herding is second nature. This herding instinct may cause them to display behaviors like nipping or trying to “herd” moving objects, children, or other animals. While this is not aggression in a malicious sense, it can sometimes be misinterpreted as such by those unfamiliar with the breed.

Old English Sheepdogs and Training

Training is pivotal when it comes to mitigating any unwanted behaviors in Old English Sheepdogs. As intelligent and trainable dogs, they respond well to consistent training methodologies. Positive reinforcement techniques are especially effective. The earlier an OES is introduced to training, the more receptive they tend to be. Training not only curbs potential aggressive tendencies but also helps channel their boundless energy and herding instincts in constructive ways.

Socialization and the Old English Sheepdog Behavior

Socialization is a crucial aspect of an Old English Sheepdog’s upbringing. Due to their protective nature, without proper socialization, they might be wary of strangers or unfamiliar situations. Early exposure to different environments, people, and other animals can help ensure they grow up to be well-rounded and friendly dogs. When adequately socialized, Old English Sheepdogs are known to be affectionate, gentle, and even clownish.

The Influence of Environment on Old English Sheepdogs’ Temperament

The environment in which an Old English Sheepdog is raised plays a significant role in determining its behavior. A stimulating environment, with ample opportunities for play and exercise, ensures that the dog remains happy and mentally engaged. On the contrary, an OES that is constantly confined or isolated may develop behavioral issues, including aggression.

Furthermore, the manner in which they’re treated by their human counterparts affects their demeanor. An OES treated with kindness and respect, and given consistent boundaries, will likely be well-behaved and balanced.

Health Factors and Aggression in Old English Sheepdogs

Like all breeds, certain health issues in Old English Sheepdogs can influence temperament. Pain, discomfort, or any underlying health problems can sometimes manifest as aggression. Regular veterinary check-ups and keen observation of any sudden changes in behavior can help detect and address health-related concerns timely.

The Overall Disposition of Old English Sheepdogs

While every individual dog has its unique personality, as a breed, Old English Sheepdogs are not inherently aggressive. They are loyal, intelligent, and often goofy companions. Any signs of aggression are typically out of character for this breed and might be indicative of health issues, lack of proper training, or an unsuitable environment.

Conclusion: Debunking the Myth of Aggression in Old English Sheepdogs

The Old English Sheepdog is a lovable, friendly, and protective breed. Any seemingly aggressive traits are usually misunderstood as herding behaviors or the result of external factors like inadequate training, poor socialization, or health issues. With the right upbringing, an Old English Sheepdog can be the perfect companion for families and individuals alike.


Frequently Asked Questions About Old English Sheepdogs & Aggression

1. Are Old English Sheepdogs naturally aggressive?

No, Old English Sheepdogs are not naturally aggressive. They are known for their affectionate, gentle, and often clownish behavior. However, like any breed, individual dogs might display aggressive tendencies due to factors like lack of training, poor socialization, or health issues.

2. Why does my Old English Sheepdog nip or “herd” people?

This behavior stems from their historical role as herding dogs. Nipping or “herding” is a natural instinct for them and isn’t a sign of aggression. With proper training, this behavior can be managed or redirected.

3. How does early training affect the behavior of Old English Sheepdogs?

Early and consistent training is crucial for Old English Sheepdogs. It helps them understand boundaries, curbs unwanted behaviors and channels their energy positively. Without proper training, their herding instincts or other behaviors might be misconstrued as aggression.

4. Can lack of socialization lead to aggressive behavior in Old English Sheepdogs?

Yes, without proper socialization, Old English Sheepdogs might become wary of strangers or unfamiliar situations, which can lead to aggressive reactions. Socializing them from a young age helps ensure they are well-rounded and friendly.

5. How does the environment influence an Old English Sheepdog’s temperament?

A stimulating, positive environment is essential for an Old English Sheepdog. If they are constantly confined, isolated, or treated poorly, they might develop behavioral issues, including potential aggression.

6. Are there health issues that can cause aggression in Old English Sheepdogs?

Yes, like all breeds, certain health problems can manifest as aggression in Old English Sheepdogs. Pain or discomfort from underlying health issues can change a dog’s behavior. Regular veterinary check-ups can help detect such concerns.

7. Is it challenging to train aggressive tendencies out of an Old English Sheepdog?

While Old English Sheepdogs are generally not aggressive, they are intelligent and responsive to training. Using positive reinforcement techniques, most unwanted behaviors can be managed or eliminated.

8. How do Old English Sheepdogs typically behave around children and other pets?

When properly socialized, Old English Sheepdogs are gentle and protective around children and can get along well with other pets. However, their herding instincts might lead them to “herd” young children or other animals, which should be monitored.

9. What should I do if my Old English Sheepdog shows signs of aggression?

Consulting a professional dog trainer or behaviorist can provide insight into the root cause of the aggression and offer strategies for management. Also, consider a veterinary check-up to rule out health-related issues.

10. Are there benefits to adopting Old English Sheepdogs from a rescue or shelter?

Absolutely! Adopting from a rescue or shelter gives an Old English Sheepdog a second chance at a loving home. Additionally, rescues often provide valuable insights into the dog’s personality, training level, and any behavioral concerns. Adopting also helps make space for other dogs in need and promotes responsible pet ownership.


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