Pit Bulls are very often unfairly judged. They are actually filled with so much love! Their sweetness and swinging tail spells out sweetness and not aggression! Meet Roxy, the sweetest Pit Bull that is all about playtime and cuddles. And of course, her dad.
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She’s very disappointed that he’s arrived home late from work. She’s waited all day for him and has been a very patient girl. But still, he’s late and she’s NOT having it!
When Dad asks Roxy about her day, she can’t help but give him an earful. In Doggy, she says: “Dad, you were gone long enough, why were you late? Why? What’s your excuse and it better be good!” Then Dad asks the ultimate question: “Roxy, did you miss me?” In Doggy, “OF COURSE, I did, dad!”
Image Source: YouTube Video
Roxy is the sweetest little daddy’s girl! Dogs are pack animals and we are their pack! Long work hours can take its toll on your dog. Consider hiring a dog walker that can come in mid-day to take your dog for some exercise. Dog walkers can also play with your pup and give her some much-needed cuddles.
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