My friend, Nick Corcodilos, Ask the Headhunter on Get Hired! I met Nick years ago at a resume writer / career coach conference he was keynoting at. I was mesmerized by his style and message. It was a no-holds-barred, blunt message to career professionals about the changes he saw coming in the near future.
It was awesome.
I was fortunate to connect with him at that conference, and we’ve stayed in touch since then. I subscribe to his newsletter and have shared multiple messages from him over the years because his thinking is just spot on. Here are some of the mentions on my blog:
To get on his free newsletter (I highly recommend it), go to my post here, then click on a link to his blog, then on the right side there’s a subscribe link for the newsletter.
Ask the Headhunter on Get Hired!
When you write a book (this is my fourth published book) you reach out to industry experts to ask for a blurb or testimonial. Of course, I asked Nick for one. In the email he sent me, with his blurb, he wrote something that I just couldn’t get past… these two sentences mean so much to me (even though they are not part of the testimonial/blurb):
Your new book is really the culmination of everything you teach. I admire the hell out of it.
Wow… that last sentence! I think I read that like ten times before I got to his blurb!
You see, I was never supposed to be who I am today. Well, maybe I really was, but what I mean is that I didn’t think I’d ever be any kind of vocal advocate for anything, much less write four books and create dozens of courses. I didn’t think I’d own a company and speak around the world (in person and virtually) about my passions: people, relationships, fulfillment in work and life.
And here we are. I am who I am today. Trust me when I say that I pinch myself to see if this is real or if it’s just a dream. Even having real and deep conversations with Nick is a dream.
And so, here’s his blurb, his testimonial… here is Ask the Headhunter on Get Hired!
Jason Alba’s new book, Get Hired!, reveals why he’s one of the only career experts worth listening to. Jason has spent decades learning what really matters about networking and interviewing – and now he’s put it into this truly insider’s guide. The section about how to network by “letting others talk about you” is alone worth the price of this book. Trust me: You need a mindset change about how to get hired. And Get Hired! will change your entire job search for the better!
Nick Corcodilos
Thank you, Nick!
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