It has been 60 years since SeaWorld opened and 54 years since Corky the orca was violently captured off the coast of British Columbia, separated from her family, and sold into captivity.
Singer-songwriter, actor, and worldwide superstar Christopher von Uckermann is no stranger to calling on fans not to support SeaWorld. Recently, he joined PETA Latino to protest against Corky’s confinement. The RBD member also shared why it’s so important to him to help end the suffering of orcas at SeaWorld.
“After 60 years of confining animals to tiny tanks, it’s time for SeaWorld to get out of the animal exploitation business. They can start by sending the orca Corky, who was violently kidnapped from her family and who has been confined to tanks for over a half-century, to a seaside sanctuary, where she can experience some semblance of a natural life.”
—Christopher von Uckermann
At a now-defunct marine park in California, Corky was used for years as a breeding machine, but none of her babies survived past 47 days. Her last pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, and her dead calf was found at the bottom of the concrete tank she was kept in. From the moment she was taken from the ocean, her life has been full of confusion, pain, and death. Had any of her calves survived, it’s likely they would have been taken from her and shipped to other facilities to attract visitors and breed more orcas.
“I feel it’s part of my purpose to help Corky be in the ocean. They are beings that deserve liberty and peace.”
—Christopher von Uckermann
Today, Corky is confined to one of SeaWorld’s tiny tanks, swimming in endless circles. Other orcas from her pod were left in the ocean waters where she was captured, and her siblings still return there to this day. A team of experts has identified an area there where a seaside sanctuary could be built so that Corky could finally return home to the ocean, where she belongs.
Free Corky
Christopher has spent years advocating for Corky. It’s time for her to feel flowing currents, dive deep into the ocean, and be given some semblance of the natural life she has been denied for so long. But for that to happen, SeaWorld needs to act immediately to put in place a firm and rapid plan to move her to a seaside sanctuary. Please never go to SeaWorld, and urge the abusement park to send Corky home.
Urge SeaWorld to Send Corky to a Seaside Sanctuary
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