For Immediate Release:
February 29, 2024
Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382
Davis, Ariz. – Please see PETA primate scientist Dr. Lisa Jones-Engel’s statement regarding the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s citation of the University of California–Davis for a critical violation of the federal Animal Welfare Act after a monkey at the affiliated California National Primate Research Center became entangled in bungee cords tied to a canopy that was zip-tied to an enclosure frame:
Taxpayers have funded the UC-Davis primate center with hundreds of millions of dollars, yet the staff there is holding cages together with bungee cords and zip ties and producing monkeys with heart conditions that increase their risk of sudden death. Federal officials have just cited the university for the apparent strangulation death of a monkey found entangled in the bungee cords, following on the heels of the deaths of two monkeys left in a van with the heat cranked up. The gross negligence of the staff and the failure of leadership are killing animals. Close the primate center down.
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