Keeping cats indoors and treating animal companions as family members aren’t novel ideas, so this 8-week-old feline, who was born on the mean streets of southeastern Virginia, understandably wanted to turn the pages and get to the good part—so she decided to become the hero of her own tail.
The highflier kitten sneaked into a trap, making friends with a free-roaming adult cat a local man was bringing to PETA’s mobile clinic to be sterilized. In an unfortunate plot twist, the man threatened to shoot Paige (as her foster guardian later named her) and her kitten pals who were still sheltering at his property. But PETA swooped in, rescuing the sweet gray-and-white fluff ball and her feline friends from a tragic end. Now PETA is hoping to help Paige pen her “happily ever after.”

Front Paige news: This ball of purrfection is in search of a permanent home.
When we asked Paige’s foster guardian to give us the CliffsNotes on this loving loaf, they said we needed to know only one thing: She loves having a BFF (best feline friend). Think less Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and more Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. From the aloof adult cat she briefly shared a trap with to her foster guardian’s other adoptable kitty, Mariah, Paige made it clear that she’d prefer to do her character development with a sidekick or two.

Will you be the one to help Paige start her next chapter?
Paige and Mariah (below, left) would love to be adopted together, but as long as there’s another friendly cat in the home, they’re keen to make new allies and are up for adventuring anywhere on the East Coast.

Take a Paige from this leading lady’s foster guardian: Spending time with her is a 5/5.
This 3-month-old shorthaired kitten will be spayed prior to adoption and is ready to turn the Paige on her former life. If you think you’ve got the write stuff to help ensure that her life is one for the books, we want to hear from you: E-mail [email protected].
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