For Immediate Release:
January 18, 2024
Nicole Perreira 202-483-7382
Lake Worth Beach, Fla. – His depiction of a family of turkeys gathered around a table with a human on the serving platter went viral on X (formerly Twitter), and now visionary vegan artist Choice has nabbed PETA’s first-ever Advocacy Through Art Award for creating an immersive world in which other animals have power over humans and exploit us in all the ways we use them. His surreal, conversation-sparking images include a man suckling a cow, Santa Claus chowing down on a reindeer, and a camel riding an exhausted tourist.
Credit: Choice
“Through his remarkable artwork, Choice gives viewers food for thought about how humans treat other animals, including by using them as meat and milk machines, wearing their skin, treating them as taxis for tourists, and more,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “PETA is honored to recognize Choice for flipping our human-supremacist world on its head and encouraging others to eat and live vegan—for the sake of everyone.”
Choice’s art includes moving messages against the dairy industry, in which female cows are forcibly impregnated repeatedly, only to be separated from their beloved babies; the dog-sledding industry, in which dogs are tethered to plastic barrels in the cold when not forced to run such long distances that many choke to death on their own vomit; the leather industry, in which cows’ throats are slit in filthy slaughterhouses; and the fishing industry, in which fish are violently gutted on boat decks and scores of other aquatic animals, including over 11,400 sharks every hour, are killed as “bycatch.” PETA offers a free vegan starter kit here and a guide to living compassionately without relying on animal suffering here.
PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way”—points out that Every Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits for people who need a lesson in kindness. For more information, please visit PETA.org or follow the group on X, Facebook, or Instagram.
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