
My name is Lu Zhang and it is my great pleasure to join Wildlife Biology as a subject editor.
I completed my PhD at Peking University in China, focused on the ecology and conservation of threatened Przewalski’s gazelle on the Tibetan Plateau. I then moved to Memphis TN and Starkville MS to complete two postdoctoral fellowships, during which I mostly conducted a reintroduction project of Chinese giant salamander, the largest amphibian and a critically endangered species. After that I moved back to China and started to work at Sun Yat-sen University as an associate researcher and later an associate professor. Since then my research work has been focused on riparian zones, including the ecology and conservation of Eurasian otter, the interactions among otters and other sympatric medium-sized carnivores, and the function of otters and other carnivores in this ecosystem. I also work on evaluating the effectiveness of conservation measures such as protected area and local ecological knowledge.
Outside of work, I enjoy staying at home with my cats, as well as traveling around China and the world.
Keywords: wildlife conservation, riparian zone, food web, otter, environmental DNA, local ecological knowledge, protected area
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