Proposed Everglades to Gulf Conservation Area Would Protect Lands Most Important To Wildlife & Waters — The National Wildlife Refuge Association


The Southwest Florida region faces increasing threats, including rapid population growth, land use intensification, and climate change. The proposed conservation area covers a region with over 3 million acres of unprotected habitat for threatened and endangered species and unique natural communities at the heart of Florida’s unique prairie ranching landscape. The proposed boundary includes Everglades watersheds and the entire Peace River and Myakka River watersheds, which are essential for the health of Charlotte Harbor, a National Estuary and an epicenter of natural resource-based tourism and economic activity in southwest Florida.

The proposed area covers a critical region for accomplishing Florida’s land and water conservation goals, and effective conservation here will have important benefits for people and wildlife across the state. The final Conservation Area boundary will be determined based on input from the public.

Complementing Successful State Conservation Efforts:

The Everglades to Gulf Conservation Area will complement successful state and other conservation efforts, such as the Florida Wildlife Corridor, the State’s Florida Forever and  Rural and Family Lands Protection Programs, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, and other local and county programs. A conservation area will build upon existing local, state, and federal efforts by providing another way to protect important lands with willing sellers. When the USFWS partners with other organizations to protect land, they can leverage funds and resources from different sources leading to increased funding opportunities for acquiring and restoring land. This means that more money can be put towards conservation efforts to conserve water, wildlife, and Florida’s way of life.

This is a ground-breaking effort that would provide additional resources to protect our critical natural lands, and our working landscape, offer additional outdoor recreational opportunities, and protect habitat for the region’s unique species. Southwest Florida has a rich history of conservation planning and land protection; it is one of the fastest-growing regions in the United States, but concerted, science-based, and partnership-driven conservation can succeed. The National Wildlife Refuge Association is proud to partner in this important effort to conserve this imperiled region. 

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