For six years, a seal spotted in the waters off Cornwall was caught in a plastic ring. Recently, a rescue mission saved the marine creature.
However, his plight highlights the horrific effects that marine plastics can have on aquatic life.
The seal’s name is Commuter and his entanglement was first recorded in 2017. However, for years rescuers were unable to access the seal since he remained in remote locations.
But when Commuter was spotted out of the water at an accessible sight, a team of rescuers leaped into action.
A team from British Divers Marine Life Rescue carefully trapped the 440-pound seal and removed the plastic ring he was entangled in.
The work required careful coordination and planning due to Commuter’s large size. After the ring was successfully removed, Commuter was medically evaluated and released. He will continue to be monitored by wildlife authorities.
Marine plastics pose an ongoing threat to wildlife and global health. At least 14 million tons of plastic enter our oceans each year.
These plastics can damage the health of ocean animals who may consume or become entangled in the plastics.
This article by Willow Lynn was first published by One Green Planet on 21 January 2024. Image Credit :Kev Gregory/Shutterstock.
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