Be sure to dress sharp when planning to speak with the manager of an H&M store. Appropriate attire and a tidy, clean appearance—along with politeness—are essential to delivering a well-received animal rights message. Use your phone to show the PETA Asia investigative video to the manager so they can see the harsh cruelty behind the production of down.
Use the following talking points:
- I recently learned that PETA entities had released exposés of the down industry—including so-called “Responsible Down”–certified farms, slaughterhouses, and companies—uncovering intense suffering and horrific violence. Please stop selling down.
- On its website, H&M claims that “no animals should be harmed” for its clothes. But did you know that down is a product of extreme cruelty to ducks and geese? I saw a PETA exposé of the down industry revealing that ducks were forced to live on wire flooring or confined to dirt lots strewn with feces. Even at purportedly “responsible” down industry operations, conscious birds were stabbed in the neck and their legs were cut off. A supplier implicated in this investigation claimed to sell down to H&M. Will you please speak with corporate management about a ban on selling all down products?
- I applaud H&M for banning fur, but the production of down is just as vile. The company already uses recycled polyester and other vegan alternatives, which makes it even easier to ban down completely.
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