Every March, young women in Sweetwater, Texas, vie for the title of Miss Snake Charmer at the annual “Rattlesnake Roundup.” Contestants decapitate snakes, skin the animals, and wipe their bloody hands on the “honor” wall.
Previous winner Laney Wallace couldn’t contain her glee, saying, “Tomorrow I get to skin snakes and chop their heads off, and I am super-excited about it.”
Prior to the event, rattlesnakes (along with “non-target” animals) are forced out of their dens with gasoline fumes and hooks. The snakes are dumped into cramped crates or pillowcases and then hauled to an arena, where the public can watch as they’re whipped against the floor, bludgeoned, decapitated, and skinned. Attendees can eat the snakes’ flesh and buy snakeskin products. These reptiles have such a slow metabolism that they can suffer for up to one hour after decapitation.
PETA has written to the Jaycees, the sponsor of this barbaric event, asking the group to find another promotion that doesn’t involve the mass slaughter of reptiles. You can help snakes by contacting the Jaycees and letting the group know that you’re appalled by its support of this carnage. Urge it to cancel the Rattlesnake Roundup and never hold this event again.
Contact the Sweetwater Jaycees
Call 325-235-3484 to ask the Nolan County Coliseum, the venue where the horrific event is held, to stop hosting the Sweetwater Jaycees’ Rattlesnake Roundup.
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