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At the Mt. Hope Auction (aka “Mt. Horror Auction”) in Ohio, thousands of animals endure the worst conditions imaginable, all so greedy breeders, dealers, and roadside zoos can pocket some cash. A red fox—who was callously assigned number 7142 rather than being given a name—had to share a tiny plastic carrier with another fox while suffering from a badly broken leg. Instead of rushing the animal to a veterinary hospital for intensive surgery or possible amputation, the sellers tried to auction the fox off. When the foxes were carted into the auction ring, the auctioneer stated, as if the excruciating injury were an afterthought, that “one has a bad leg.”
This fox’s story is one of thousands that go ignored or are never told, hidden in the filth of a nightmarish auction that repeats itself three times every year. Stacked in cages often smaller than their own bodies and without so much as water to drink, each individual has a story displaying the heartlessness of the people who consigned them to “Mt. Horror.”
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has repeatedly cited “Mt. Horror” for violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act, yet dealers and roadside zoos keep returning. Animals have been left for dead, emaciated, or suffering from obvious injuries or illnesses, and still dealers and roadside zoos just keep returning. An end to this egregious example of speciesism—a human-supremacist worldview—is long overdue.
Urge dealers and roadside zoo owners who frequent “Mt. Horror” to stop breeding, selling, and buying animals.
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