Nine-week-old German Shepherd-Staffordshire Bull Terrier mix Jasper was investigating his Queensland, Australia backyard when he came across a carpet python that had just slithered out of some nearby bushes.
While Jasper was fighting to break free, he eventually gave up and laid down on his side as the python squeezed tighter. He cried for help until Michelle van Schouwen, his owner, finally heard him.
Image (Screenshots)/Story Video Source Credit: Dailystar and YouTube Video (screenshots)
“I got to the end of the patio and I sort of just froze and then screamed because I just saw this…python wrapping all around him,” van Schouwen told 7News.
As soon as she realized what was happening, she hit the snake with a cardboard Christmas wrapper roll, but it just tightened its grip around her beloved puppy.
Image (Screenshots)/Story Video Source Credit: Dailystar and YouTube Video (screenshots)
She then grabbed ahold of the snake’s body and rigorously shook him until it let go of the dog. Jasper was bitten on his ear but has since recovered and was otherwise unharmed, thanks to his owner’s quick actions. The snake was also OK and safely relocated after the incident.
Image (Screenshots)/Story Video Source Credit: Dailystar and YouTube Video (screenshots)
According to snake relocation expert Stuart McKenzie, there has been a rise in snake attacks on cats and dogs in recent days. He advises pet owners to keep a close watch on their animals, especially if they are small.
The scary ordeal was caught on surveillance footage, which you can watch in the video below!
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