Girl Raises Orphaned Baby Red Squirrels [Video]


When Dani found orphaned baby red squirrels in the forest, she decided to raise them until they could survive on their own!

Then, she would come back to the forest every day, calling “baby squirrel” and the squirrels would always come down from their tree to say hello to her.

These baby squirrels are so special to Dani because when she found out that their mother had tragically been hit by a car, she felt called to care for the babies.

Dani went back to the forest every day to give them food and make sure they survived.

As the baby squirrels became more and more comfortable in her presence, she became sort of like a surrogate mother figure to them.

Her goal from the start was to make sure they could stay in the wild, where they belong, and avoid touching them or hand-feeding them so as not to disrupt their natural behavior.

While Dani was very careful to respect these animals, if you happen to find what you think is an orphaned animal in your own life, you should contact trained wildlife rehabbers instead of acting on your own!

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Fighting for Wildlife supports approved wildlife conservation organizations, which spend at least 80 percent of the money they raise on actual fieldwork, rather than administration and fundraising. When making a donation you can designate for which type of initiative it should be used – wildlife, oceans, forests or climate.

This article by Holly Woodbury was first published by One Green Planet on 13 October 2023. Image Credit : Miroslav Hlavko/Shutterstock.


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