Spring is the season of baby animals! It’s not just the baby birds, squirrels, and kittens that you may be seeing on your own or social media, it’s also animals like leopards!
Recently, farmers in Maharashtra found three leopard cubs in their sugarcane fields.
Fortunately, they did not take matters into their own hands and instead called the Forest Department.
The baby leopards got a brief examination at the Wildlife SOS Leopard Rescue Center and were found to be healthy.
![Leopard Cubs Reunited With Mom! [Video] Image Courtesy of Wildlife SOS](https://i0.wp.com/www.onegreenplanet.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/the-leopard-cubs-were-estimated-to-be-15-days-old-scaled.jpg?resize=750%2C800&ssl=1)
According to Dr. Nikhil Bangar, Wildlife Veterinary Officer at Wildlife SOS, “The initial attempt at reunion didn’t work out but we weren’t ready to give up hope.”
They tried again and this time, their mother took her cubs to safety. Dr. Bangar says that “they will have a good chance at a free life in the wild.”
![Leopard Cubs Reunited With Mom! [Video] Image Courtesy of Wildlife SOS](https://i0.wp.com/www.onegreenplanet.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/the-cubs-were-carefully-placed-in-a-safe-box-for-the-reunion-process-scaled.jpg?resize=768%2C613&ssl=1)
Image Courtesy of Wildlife SOS
This article by Shelby Hettler was first published by One Green Planet on 29 March 2024. Image Credit : Wildlife SOS.
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