New Subject Editor: kaya Klop-Toker


Submitted by editor on 18 April 2023.

My name is Kaya Klop-Toker, I am a conservation biologist specializing in population ecology and adaptive management of threatened amphibians. I am particularly interested in understanding the often multi-faceted mechanisms behind amphibian decline, and how we can use this information to develop successful conservation outcomes. In 2017, I completed my PhD at the University of Newcastle, Australia, on a project investigating the impact of disease and invasive fish on a wild and captive-bred-and-released population of green and golden bell frogs (Litoria aurea). I then began a post-doc researching the impact of underground coal mining on the Endangered Littlejohn’s tree frog (Litoria littlejohni), followed by another project establishing a captive breeding and habitat creation project for this threatened species. I have recently returned to working with Littlejohn’s tree frogs after taking some time for maternity leave, and am now looking at implementing conservations actions within the coal mining area. I am looking forward to contributing as a subject editor for Wildlife Biology and supporting the publication of herpetological research.   

Keywords on my research:

  • Amphibians
  • Chytridiomycosis
  • Conservation
  • Population modeling
  • Reintroductions
  • Threat mitigation
  • Wildlife disease





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