Aster’s owner marched the cute puppy into the vet’s office and demanded she be euthanized. The reason: Aster is blind and deaf.
The vet refused. He understood that blind and deaf dogs could still have quality of life, and make wonderful additions to the right family.

The veterinarian reached out to several local rescues to help Aster and she was taken in. The rescue’s next step was to find her a forever home. A wonderful woman named Krysten stepped up and as she says in the video, she was thankfully chosen to be Aster’s human. Krysten has another special needs pup and understands what it means to be a parent to a dog like Aster.

Krysten’s other dog, Buddy, lived with his original owner until he met his girlfriend who didn’t like him, so he surrendered Buddy. Wait, what?! Personally speaking, why not surrender his girlfriend instead? The one-eyed deaf dog deserved a stable environment and thankfully found one with Krysten after quite the ordeal.

Before Krysten, Buddy stayed with the rescue for over two years without a single potential adopter. His bad luck continued until he met his mama. Once at home where he belonged, Buddy learned what love can truly feel like through Krysten and her foster fails– two adorable kittens.

Buddy’s newly found comfort and love made him the perfect big brother to Aster. The family’s dynamic is too sweet to miss. Do yourself a favor and watch the complete story below. We know you’ll love it!
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