In a truly sickening display, a man in Florida recently used his 2000 Chevrolet Tahoe to torment local wildlife. His goal? Chase down, drive over, and torture as many deer as possible, filming the whole thing to later post on TikTok.
Sign the petition demanding that Clay Neil Kinney have his license revoked forever. Driving is a privilege, not a right, and this man clearly abused that privilege and the innocent animals around him too.
The way this story’s details came to light is utterly gut wrenching.
First, the video that the man posted to TikTok showing his SUV mowing down a deer. Authorities suspected that he did it on purpose, so they suspended his license. He was found driving anyway, and after being pulled over he admitted to the whole thing. Not only had he intentionally tortured and killed this deer…he tried to do it to four others. And it’s all on video.
This person clearly cannot be trusted with a license or a vehicle. He deliberately inflicted so much pain and suffering on a living thing, then posted it to the internet. This is someone who views fear and torment as entertainment, and authorities must take that seriously.
This isn’t his first offense mistreating animals and ignoring the law, either. In 2021, he had a whole slew of offenses having to do with wildlife, including taking a fawn from its mother and illegally holding it captive.
It does not seem that this Florida man will stop doing exactly what he pleases at the expense of animals and humans alike. Imagine if a person had been in the road that night he was trying to mow down deer — he could have killed someone!
That’s why we believe the first step to justice is to take away his license, so he does not have the power to use thousands of pounds of metal to victimize living things anymore.
Sign the petition if you agree!
This article by Mathew Davis was first published by One Green Planet on 16 January 2024. Image Credit :Celestial Burns/Shutterstock.
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