What’s The Bite Force of a Maltese & Does It Hurt?


When most people think of a Maltese, they envision a tiny, fluffy companion with a gentle demeanor. While this is generally an accurate depiction, like all dogs, a Maltese has teeth and can bite. So, how powerful is a Maltese’s bite, and is it something to be concerned about?

Historical Background of the Maltese

The Maltese breed has a long, storied history that dates back over two millennia. These dogs were beloved companions of the aristocracy and are known more for their lapdog status than any robust physical prowess. Understanding the Maltese’s background provides insight into its temperament, which is typically affectionate and playful, rather than aggressive. This context plays a pivotal role when analyzing the bite force of a Maltese.

Comparing the Bite Force: Maltese Vs. Other Breeds

To comprehend the bite force of a Maltese, it’s useful to juxtapose it against other canine breeds. Bite force is frequently gauged in PSI (pounds per square inch). While larger breeds like the Rottweiler or German Shepherd might boast a bite force ranging from 200 to over 300 PSI, smaller breeds like the Maltese have a significantly lower PSI. Estimates put the Maltese’s bite force in the range of 50-70 PSI. While this is considerably milder than larger breeds, it’s still a force to be reckoned with, especially given the Maltese’s size.

Maltese Bite Mechanics

Despite their small stature, Maltese dogs possess a full set of sharp teeth. The bite of a Maltese, much like other canines, is a combination of jaw structure, muscle strength, and instinct. While their jaw strength isn’t comparable to larger breeds, it’s sufficient for their needs, primarily focusing on playing, eating, and sometimes, expressing discomfort or fear.

Does a Maltese’s Bite Hurt?

In response to the fundamental question, “Does a Maltese’s bite hurt?” – the answer can be both yes and no. The level of pain or potential injury from a Maltese bite hinges on several variables:

  1. Intensity: A playful nip from a Maltese during a game might barely register, while a more forceful bite, possibly out of fear or pain, can be more painful.
  2. Location: A bite to a fleshy part of the hand might not be as painful as a bite to a fingertip or a more sensitive area.
  3. Situation: A startled or threatened Maltese might bite harder than one who’s merely being playful.

However, it’s worth noting that Maltese dogs, by nature, aren’t typically aggressive. Proper socialization and training can drastically diminish the likelihood of a Maltese biting with any significant force.

Training Your Maltese to Minimize Biting

Any potential for biting in a Maltese, as with all dogs, underscores the importance of early training and socialization. Puppy classes and consistent at-home training can teach Maltese bite inhibition. By rewarding gentle play and using redirection techniques, owners can ensure their Maltese understands the boundaries of acceptable behavior.


The Maltese is a breed known for its affectionate, friendly demeanor. While they can bite, as all dogs can, their bite force isn’t particularly powerful when compared to larger breeds. Nevertheless, any bite has the potential to cause discomfort or minor injury. Training, understanding, and respect are the cornerstones of ensuring that interactions with a Maltese remain pleasant and safe for both the dog and its human companions.


Frequently Asked Questions About Maltese Bites

1. Why does my Maltese puppy bite so frequently?

Maltese puppies, similar to other breeds, often bite during their teething phase to alleviate gum discomfort. Moreover, puppies are curious and explore their surroundings using their mouths. Proper training and chew toys can help manage and reduce this behavior.

2. Are Maltese dogs naturally prone to biting?

No, Maltese dogs are not inherently aggressive or prone to biting. They are known for their gentle and affectionate nature. However, like any dog, if they feel threatened, scared, or are in pain, they may resort to biting as a defense mechanism.

3. How can I teach my Maltese to stop biting?

Positive reinforcement is key. Reward your Maltese when they display gentle behavior, and redirect their attention to toys when they get mouthy. Consistency in training, coupled with early socialization, can effectively reduce unwanted biting behavior in Maltese dogs.

4. Can a Maltese’s bite cause harm?

While Maltese have a smaller bite force compared to larger breeds, their bite can still cause pain or minor injuries, especially if it breaks the skin. It’s essential to address and manage biting tendencies to ensure safety for both the dog and individuals around.

5. Do Maltese outgrow their biting habits as they mature?

Many Maltese will naturally decrease their biting tendencies as they transition from puppyhood to adulthood. However, if the biting behavior is not addressed early on, it might persist. Proper training is crucial to ensure that the behavior doesn’t continue into adulthood.

6. Why does my Maltese bite my feet when I walk?

This behavior can be attributed to the playful nature of the Maltese or can be a form of attention-seeking. It’s essential to teach your Maltese that nipping at feet is not acceptable through redirection and positive reinforcement techniques.

7. How can I differentiate playful nipping from aggressive biting in my Maltese?

Playful nipping is usually accompanied by a wagging tail, relaxed posture, and other playful gestures. In contrast, aggressive biting may be preceded by growling, a stiff body posture, or other warning signs. Understanding your Maltese’s body language can help decipher their intentions.

8. Are chew toys effective in reducing Maltese’s biting behavior?

Yes, chew toys can be beneficial. They provide a suitable outlet for the Maltese’s biting tendencies, especially during their teething phase. Always ensure that the toys are appropriate for their size and are safe for chewing.

9. Is it challenging to train an older Maltese to stop biting?

While it’s always easier to instill good habits in younger dogs, older Maltese can still be trained to stop biting. It might require more patience and consistency. If the biting behavior is ingrained, consider consulting a professional dog trainer for guidance.

10. Could there be a medical reason behind my Maltese’s sudden biting behavior?

Yes, sudden behavioral changes, including uncharacteristic biting, could indicate an underlying medical issue. If your Maltese starts biting without an apparent trigger, it’s essential to consult a veterinarian to rule out any health concerns causing discomfort or pain.


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