I seriously thought I already wrote this blog post but, well, here we are. A month ago tomorrow I published Get Hired the book, to help people who are in a job search today. I announced it last July and as I was writing it felt like it was my magnus opus… a culmination of what I’ve been doing since 2006. This book came together, on paper, quickly, but only because I had spent the last 18 years focused on job search. As I’ve travelled the U.S. speaking to job clubs, job ministries, and other organizations, I’ve contemplated strategies and tactics. I’ve talked to job seekers and career professionals who help job seekers.
All of this came together to become Get Hired the book. I’m proud of this book. This is my first book that is available in paperback and Kindle and soon, Audible.
I’m going to share a very nice review I got from a friend of mine, Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter. I included some of this on the back of the book, but it didn’t all fit. Jacqui is an expert wordsmith and has been helping people, mostly executives, craft their branding statements and documents (like resumes) since I’ve known her. Her business is Career Trend, here. Here’s what she said:
Jason Alba doesn’t just advise you as a job seeker, he also empowers you.
He does this by describing how you can change your self-perception and influence how others perceive you. By doing so, you can better focus and align your job search to a meaningful conclusion.
This is not a lightweight, rah-rah book; instead, it’s full of practical, sweat equity (mental AND physical) tips that you can start doing today.
As an executive resume writer, I zeroed in on Principle 2 (Personal Branding); one of my favorite takeaways was Jason’s reference to resume templates—that a resume template produces an ordinary result, which ‘may’ be enough, but how no professional marketer shoots for ‘just enough.’
Perhaps you want to pull yourself out of the depths of a ‘dreary job search journey,’ or maybe you’re currently employed but want to build strategic muscle that advances your future goals; either way, this book will provide the compass to propel you forward on your next-phase journey.
Invest in this book—in these “career vitamins,” today!
I appreciate those thoughtful words, and the endorsement. You can get your own copy of Get Hired the book on Amazon here.
NOTE: Get Hired the book will be available on Audible soon… for now, it is available in paperback and kindle.
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